Minggu, 13 September 2009


Kelas XI samester I

KD : 5.2.b dan 6.2.b Report

Task one : Look at the following pictures and answer the questions orally !
o 1. What picture is this ?
o 2. Where do you find it ?
o 3. Describe the animal briefly !

Task Two : Read the text carefully!

What is Kangaroo ?
A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.
Kangaroo are marsupials. A female Kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby Kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five month of live.
Kangaroo eats plants and grass. They have short front legs, but very long and very strong back legs and tail. These they use for sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroo have been known to make forwards of over eight meter, and leap across fences more than three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hours.
The largest Kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adult grow to a length of 1. 60 meters and weight over 90 kilos.
(Adapted from: Peter haddock Ltd.,ref.083)
Task three : Answer the question below!
Where can we find Kangaroo?
What does kangaroo eat?
What does a female Kangaroo has on the front of her body?
Does a male Kangaroo have a pouch?
What is pouch used for?
What parts of the kangaroo’s body are described in the text?
What are the uses of the back legs and the tail?
What are the largest Kangaroos?
Task Four : Match the words with the meaning given appropriately!
Definitions or synonyms
1. Relative

a. A small or medium size bag-like container for holding or carrying things
b. To jump high or a long way, to move quickly in the specified direction
c. The quality of being quick
d. An animal or plant that bears a relationship to another
e. Very small
f. A human or animal limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part between the knee and ankle
g. A barrier that serves to enclose an area
h. Pass (time) in specific way
i. Measure of how heavy somebody or something, the quality of being heavy
j. Move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground
Do you still remember about report text?

Do you still remember about the generic structure of report text?

Task Five :

Social function : to describe the way things are, with reference arrange of natural, man-made and social phenomena in our environment.
They generally describe an entire class of things, whether natural or made: mammals, the
planets, rocks, plants, computers, countries of origin, transportation, and so on.

The common grammatical patterns of an information report include:
• use of general nouns, e.g hunting dogs, rather than particular nouns, eg our dog;
• use of relating verbs to describe features, e.g Molecules are tiny particles;
• some use of action verbs when describing behavior, e.g Emus cannot fly;
• use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness, e.g Tropical cyclones always begin
over the sea;
• use of technical terms, e.g Isobars are lines drawn on a weather map;
• use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organize bundles of information; repeated
naming of the topic as the beginning focus of the clause.

Generic Structure of report text:
General classification : tells what the phenomenon under discussion is.
Description : tells what the phenomenon under discussion is like in term of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors, if living uses, if non natural.
A concluding paragraph (optional): summarizes the information in the text
Task Six :
Look at the example of the report text and its generic structure!
General classification
What is Kangaroo ?
A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.
(parts, qualities, habits or behaviors)
Kangaroo are marsupials. A female Kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby Kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five month of live.
Kangaroo eats plants and grass. They have short front legs, but very long and very strong back legs and tail. These they use for sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroo have been known to make forwards of over eight meter, and leap across fences more than three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hours.
The largest Kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adult grow to a length of 1. 60 meters and weight over 90 kilos.

Task seven : Answer the following questions !
1. Find relating verbs!
2. Find action verbs!
Having fun:
Break your leg then!
I’d love to be an actress
Because you’ll be in a cast for weeks!
Whatever for?

(Adapted from: English Intensive Course 1, p 76)

Task eight : Study the following explanations!

What is the tense in report text?

In general, the simple preset tense expresses events or situations that exist always, usually, habitually. They exist now, have exist in past and probably will exist in the future.
Form : S + VI + s/es + O + …
S +is/am/are + O + …
My brother plays football every day.
They play basketball every Sunday.
The sun rises in the East.
I don’t have a car.
Does she buy a car?
They are my friends.
She is not a doctor.
Are you a teacher?

Do the exercise below!
I (get) some candies from my father.
She does not (bring) umbrella.
Tony (win) the game.
The number of the students (be) very diligent.
Neither of the doctors (operate) the patient well.
One of our friends (be) crazy about Afgan.
The increasing in farming products in many regencies (need) special skill.
(be) the production of new cars in Japan good?
Producing many good products (take) a long time.
(be) the team (play) its best?

Task Nine : Study the following text and answer the questions taht follow!
Dolphins are mammals, not fish. Mammals, unlike fish, feed their young with milk that is produced in the mother’s body. Also unlike fish, dolphins have lungs and are warm blooded, that is their temperature always stays about the same, regardless of the temperature of the surroundings. Many scientist believe that dolphins rank among the most intelligent animals, along with chimpanzees and dogs.
Dolphins, whales and porpoises are member of group of mammals called cetaceans. Dolphins and porpoises are very similar in appearance. Their chief differences occur in the snout and teeth. Dolphins have a beak like snout and cone—sheep- teeth. Whales are much larger than most dolphins and porpoises.
Scientist apply the term dolphin to two families of cetacean, marine dolphins and river dolphins. There are 32 species of marine dolphins. They are found in nearly all oceans, and most of them live only in salt water. Many species of marine dolphins remain near land for most of their lives, but some live in the open sea. River dolphins live in fresh or slightly salty water

Why aren’t dolphins classified as fish ?
What animals are classified as the most intelligent ones?
What is the main difference between dolphins and porpoises ?
What is the genre of the above text ?
Why does the writer write the text ?
Based on the above text, the structure of the reading text consists of ....
Write the general classification!
Find relating verbs from the text above!
Write action verbs from the text above!

Task ten : Complete the following text with the appropriate words!

Whales are sea living mammals. They, therefore ....1 .... air but can not survive on land. Some species are very ...2... indeed and the blue whales can exceed 30 m in ...3... is the most biggest animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale ... 4... rather like a fish., but there are important differences in its external structures. It’s tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles and it has a single nostril on top of its large , broad head.

Superficially large length breathe

Read the following text and answer the questions!

Uhmm....... do you know Arachnids? I mean, it is a spider. Spiders are not insects.
I mean spiders are Arachnids. Arachnids have four bite pairs of legs but they only have two body parts but insects have three pairs of legs and three body parts. The most surprising thing is that spiders have two to four pair of eyes. They can see extremely well.
Uhm .... spiders eat small insects such as flies and mosquitoes and you know what ?They sometimes bite people. When a spider bites an insect, it doesn’t kill the insect immediately but a special poison passes through its fangs, and this poison paralyzes the body of the unlucky insect.
Most spiders make their own homes. They do this with a special substance produced by their bodies. In the corner of some rooms it is possible to find a spider’s web where the spider is waiting for its next dinner guest.

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